Then he came home for lunch on my birthday and very stealthily ran into the back yard, ripped up the stakes that were in our garden, clattered them on the front lawn, and started pounding the snot out of them into our front lawn. After that display he had my attention. Then he started struggling with this 20 foot long piece of butcher paper. After it became apparent to me that he was in need of some assistance I went out and helped him tape up this banner that read "40 and HOT ooh la la!" ...complete with black balloons. I think he was secretly trying to get released from his bishopric duties by being a rebel rouser with THAT kind of sign. It didn't work. I loved it anyway. I thought it was hilarious and hopefully kept the neighbors talking for weeks! My mom came over later that night and brought me one of my new favorite treats--an Italian gelati! Thanks to all of you who sent gifts and cards and warm thoughts and wishes!
All in all it was a great birthday!
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