On Saturday we took the kids to Lava Hot Springs! We met Andy's fam there. The picture of Jaxon (top) is of him right after he went down the twisty tubes! He's saying, "That was SO Awesome!!!!!" The photo of Kelsi (top) is at the end of the day when the pool was closing and we told her it was time to go home! She was not super thrilled about that announcement, I think.
We got to Lava just in time to get changed, slather ourselves in SPF 100, set up the "sportbrella", arrange all of our many varied bags of snacks and coolers of drinks, and then promptly get kicked out of the waterpark due to lightning in the area!
So we sat on the side of the road for 45 minutes or so while Andy's mom fed us chips, crackers, and squirt cheese from the can. Luckily the storm moved through fairly quickly and they let us back in. We enjoyed the rest of the day with spectacular weather. The boys especially loved the "death drop" slides...you know the ones where you shoot straight down and then you get a super wedgie at the bottom. Kelsi and Jaxon spent most of the day "swimming" in the shallow pool. Mostly Kelsi dragged me around screaming, "let go of my life jacket...I can swim by myself!" (Which she really couldn't.) All in all it was a SWELL day at the pool except for the fact that I GOT A SUNBURN!!!! AUGH!!!! After all of my precautions, I forgot to reapply! And I only got burned in splotchy spots. One spot on my neck, one on my shoulder, one on my upper arm, etc., etc. So it's not even an EVEN sunburn...I look like Splotch woman!

Other events of the week: The boys have officially taken over the job of cleaning the office all by themselves. Which translates into three hours every night of me saying, "Come on boys, I'm not paying you to mess around!" They have gotten slightly faster as the week has progressed so there is a glimmer of hope that I won't be spending all evening, every evening at the office training the boys in the art of janitorial services. One more story: One night during scripture study Garett was reading about David and Goliath. He read about a place called Ephes-dammim. Jaxon looked at him and said, "Ephes-dammim? Ephes-dammim?????? I KNOW HIM!!!!!"
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